Calendar for Kids Findraiser

October 26, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

So the holidays are coming up. There, I said it. I know it is early and typically I am one for not rushing into holiday preperations but I had to make an exception for this. This year, Photography by Kait will be holding a fundraiser to benefit the American Family Children's Hospital. For those who don't know much about the hospital, let me just tell you, they are awesome. For those of you who do have experience with the hospital, you know why. Above and beyond the amazing care they give the children, I love how they run the hopsital in a child friendly way. Specifically, I love the Child Life Program they have there. It provides toys and learning materials to the patients and their families to help them to be more comfortable during their stay. I know children who have spent extended stays at the hospital and unfortunately there will be kids who have to spend their holidays in a hospital room. I'd love to host this fundraiser to help the hospital in their goal of making that stay as pleasant as possible. So from now until the end of the year I will be selling photo calendars (featuring art by yours truly) and all profits from the sales will go to American Family Children's Hospital Child Life Program.


Calendars are the perfect holiday gift because:

#1. Everyone needs a couple.

#2. For the person who has everything, they take up only wall space.

#3. You will use it all year long (literally).

#4. They are useful and pretty!


Calendars will be $15 which is about the same as what you can get them for at the calendar kiosks at the mall. And since all profits from the sales go to the hospital, your $15 will go A LOT farther. To order your calendar and to purchase your calendar gifts, click here. I'll be posting the photos that will go in the calendar at the beginning of November so you can get an idea of what the photos will look like.


Thank you so so much for helping me to support this amazing cause!


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