Dear Baby Gus,
When we started your session, your mommy and I were chatting. (We tend to do that a lot when we are together. I will apologize now because you will soon learn that Miss Kait is very talkative.) She asked me about a recent surprise engagement session I had done and if it was one of my favorites. I said I could totally photograph one every day, so definitely top ten. Then she asked "Top five?"
That made me think, because I get to do a lot of amazing sessions. Before I could answer, you had started eating dandelion fluff and the subject got changed, but I thought about it more later and decided that session may very well be top 5. More importantly, I also decided that this one, with you and your mommy & daddy and the sunset and the grape vines, definitely was.
And I can't wait to fill another top five slot when you turn one. :)
Je t'aime mon petit chou!
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