Expanded Vendor Advice Announcement and Vendor Spotlight: Captured Memories Photobooths

January 16, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

I hear a lot from brides that they are overwhelmed with the process of finding good vendors. That is why I have been using a list of recommended local vedors to share with brides to help them at least have a starting point. But I really wanted it to be even more helpful so that list is now going to be so much more, as it is getting expanded from a list to a full on advice article. From the vendors on my list I am getting all kinds of great helpful advice for brides in their areas of expertise. While I work on actually getting all these added to my e-magazine (which you receive for FREE when you sign up for my newsletter) I want to share some of them with you via my blog. So here is vendor #1, Captured Memories Photobooths. I have mentioned them before but here is a little more information straight from the owner, Paul Dorow!

Company Name: Captured Memories Photo Booth
Contact Person or owners: Paul Dorow
Year opened:2010

Why Captured Memories is AWESOME:

We get it! I will elaborate a little but the best thing I can say is we get it. We are a Photo Booth Rental company who offers superior quality rental packages at affordable prices. When you hire a photographer you are hiring and artist, same goes for food, music and florist, how about the photo booth? Nope, you are hiring a company who gets the job done right and can make it right for you. That?s what we do!

#1 Question Brides Ask:#1 question we get is "does your great online offer apply to our date" the answer is always yes, haha.

#1 Piece of Advice for Brides: The best advice I could give is ask around, we get more rentals from referrals from past customers than any of our current marketing. We make sure every single customer we have is happy when we are done.


So if you are looking for a photobooth, go check out Paul's stuff with Captured Memories. And if you are still looking for a different kind of vendor, fear not! More vendor comments are coming in every day so just keep checking back in.



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